SourceMod 1.7.0 has been officially released. SourceMod is the number one server administration tool for Source Engine games like Counter-Strike: Source, GO, TF2, Left4Dead and others.

Most important changes in this version is Updated game compatibility for TF2, CS:GO, and Dota 2 aswell as some new internal Steam ID auth handling.

As always also make sure you use the latest Metamod: Source 1.10.4.


Highlights for Server Admins:

  • Updated game compatibility for TF2, CS:GO, and Dota 2.
  • Fixed regression in SM 1.6.3 causing load failure on games older than Orangebox.
  • Rewrote internal Steam auth ID handling:
    • admins.cfg now supports Steam2, Steam3, and SteamID 64 formats for the Steam auth provider.
    • admins-simple.ini now supports Steam3 auth IDs in addition to Steam2 IDs.
    • Command targeting now supports both Steam3 auth IDs in addition to Steam2 IDs.

Highlights for Developers:

  • Added new SourcePawn Transitional Syntax!
    • New methodmap-based APIs have been added for many existing functions and handle types.
    • New work-in-progress API doc page.
  • Added OnTakeDamage_Alive hook type to SDKHooks.
  • Many more File natives now support Valve FS.

Full release notes and a detailed changelog is available at the SourceMod 1.7.0 Release Notes wiki article.

As always, you should not need to recompile plugins or extensions.

You can grab the latest version at the SourceMod downloads page.