The first episode in Telltale’s The Walking Dead series, titled A New Day, is coming to iOS devices as a universal app this Thursday for $4.99. Gamers will also be able to pre-purchase all the future Walking Dead episodes for $14.99, saving 25% compared to buying each episode individually.
“We’ve spent a great deal of time carefully integrating our new interface design to create an even more intuitive experience with the touch screen,” said Teltale’s Job Stauffer on the company blog.
The Walking Dead game is an action adventure based on Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead comic book series. The game is set in the same period witnessed by Sheriff Rick Grimes but tells the story of a new group of people as they survive in the full of undead city of Atlanta. In Telltale fashion the series will consist of five monthly episodes.
Walking Dead: The Game will run on the new iPad, the iPad 2, the iPhone 4 & 4S, and any iPod touch 4th Generation or newer. The title is Telltale’s most successful game to date as it has sold over one million episodes across PC, Mac, PlayStation Network, and Xbox LIVE Arcade.