Ron Gilbert (Monkey Island, The Cave) and Clayton Kauzlaric (Voodoo Vince), whose collaboration includes the comedy RPG DeathSpank and last year’s iOS gem The Big Big Castle have once more teamed up for Scurvy Scallywags, an eclectic puzzle game coming very soon to iOS.

Back in March, co-creator Ron Gilbert first spilled the beans about Scurvy Scallywags on his Grumpy Gamer blog ( With the game nearing completion here are some more details about the game.

It’s opening night for the soon-to-be-a-hit play, Scurvy Scallywags and The Voyage to Discover the Ultimate Sea Shanty – but someone is trying to sabotage the production. It’s up to you to stop them, all while acting in the lead pirate role and matching your heart out.

Scurvy Scallywags is a match-3 / RPG mash-up in the Puzzle Quest tradition. You move your pirate around the board by matching 3 or more tiles. With each match, the board shifts in the direction you swiped, so you can use strategy to line up your pirate with items you need or avoid enemies who are stronger than you.

Along the way you’ll dress up your pirate (to great comic effect), boost your stats, acquire special skills, complete side quests, and tick off 50 hilarious GameCenter achievements.