2K and Firaxis Games, the critically acclaimed studio responsible for the award-winning XCOM: Enemy Unknown and the Sid Meier’s Civilization series, have just announced Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol, an original mobile title coming to iOS on Thursday, May 9, 2013.
Conceived, designed and programmed by Sid Meier Ace Patrol immerses you in strategic WWI air-combat scenarios, piloting the skies in defense of your base camp and allies. You will be able to choose from a selection of 30 vintage and historical WWI aircrafts through more than 120 missions, build out a team of Aces that each offer a special skill set to expand gameplay options, and play Turn-based Single-Player, Two-Player Hot-Pad or Asynchronous Multiplayer through Game Center.
Ace Patrol will launch on the App Store as a free download.