Green Man Gaming Publishing and Swedish indie developer Rigid-Soft have launched their new multiplayer survival game, Lifeless, onto Early Access. Lifeless is an open world survival game that focuses on strong co-operative play based on two factions that fight against zombies and other players in the world.
Lifeless originally started development in 2014 by Swedish startup developer, Rigid-Soft. Following early coverage of Lifeless in Alpha, the developers decided to up their game by switching to Unreal Engine 4. “We had a vision of detailed environments, brutal combat, and solid multiplayer for Lifeless, and we are very confident we are heading in the right direction by using Unreal Engine 4,” said Rigid-Soft CEO Kristoffer Blasiak. “By coming to Early Access, we can work with the community to deliver that experience.”
“We’ve been working hard with the team at Rigid-Soft since late last year, and seen Lifeless go from strength to strength getting ready for Early Access,” said Gary Rowe, EVP of Green Man Gaming Publishing. “The team are fully funded, and have a full roadmap of features they plan to deliver during Early Access.”
May 2021. Ten years have passed since Patient Zero. Ten years since the world turned into an infected wasteland…
Two factions fight over resources, whilst battling an ever growing menace of infected humans. How will you choose to survive?
Lifeless is a Massively Multiplayer Survival game, where you cooperate between players to survive a hostile environment. Experience an open world filled with environmental storytelling, and brutal, bloody combat.
More info on the official site over here.