Wargaming today announced that Update 2.3 is now available for World of Tanks on Xbox One and Xbox 360 worldwide. The latest update on console adds a full slate of great content including new game mode “Team Destruction”, PvE specific ops, three enhanced maps, the ability to create Clans, six new light tanks and the Premium SU-76I.

Added by popular request, “Team Destruction” mode pits tankers against each other in a skirmish where victory is obtained solely by defeating the enemy team within a set time limit. “Team Destruction” is available for all maps and will award tiebreaker victories to the team with the most vehicles remaining on the battlefield at the end of a match.


Update 2.3 continues to intensify tank warfare by adding light tanks to the battlefield; the T37, M41 Walker Bulldog, T49 and M24 Chaffee join the ranks of the U.S.A line, with the LTTB and the Т-54 ltwt. augmenting the U.S.S.R. Tech Tree. Additionally, enhanced maps “Airfield”, “Siegfried Line” and “Live Oaks” are back, and a new set of ops has been added to PvE mode “Proving Grounds”, allowing players to perfect their tanking skills before heading into battle.

More information about the update can be found on the official site over here.