Indie developer The Behemoth has announced that Battleblock Theater, their first game since Castle Crashers, originally scheduled to come out in 2010, is launching on Xbox Live Arcade on the 3rd April 2013. The game is a co-operative/competitive platformer about guiding prisoners in a theater run by technologically evil cats. You create a character using shapes and different face styles, give it a weapon to use, and control it by using a simple control system of running, jumping, punching and firing a weapon.
Different weapons have different effects, ranging from explosive devices to effect inducing objects. Levels shown featured different types of blocks, including ones that self-destruct and ones with spikes, as well as hazards such as water and laser cannons. You will also be able to use the Level Editor to create levels and share them with other players, as well as download levels that other players have made.
BattleBlock Theater will be priced at 1,200 Microsoft points ($15).