
Artizens is an upcoming online multiplayer action game (for PC, Mac and Linux) where gamers team up online with other three players and kill giant monsters each its own set of abilities for their materials.

These materials can be used to create new gear by customizing how it works and drawing how it looks as in Artizens you can customize your character by drawing your own appearance created with your favorite drawing program.

Every part of your character can be drawn — from the helmet and shoes you wear, to the sword that you wield. And when you express your creativity in the Artizens world, you get to make it come to life by playing your character and showing it off to your friends.

Alternatively, you can choose a drawing from the community. In later releases of the game, everybody will be able to share their drawings with each other in a global marketplace, and earn from their creations. 347 backers have until now supported Artizens managing to raise $13,579 of the funding goal of $30,000 with 24 days to go.

The 90’s Arcade Racer

The 90’s Arcade Racer is as someone can easily guess  a  racing game inspired by the great arcade racers of the 90’s, like Scud Race, Daytona USA and Indy 500.

The 90’s Arcade Racer will feature three different car classes, Supercar, Stock and Formula. And three tracks playable both in normal or reverse. The tracks will be Short/Beginner, Medium/Amateur and Long/Professional.

The structure of the game is very simple, select your car and track and race both against the clock and AI trying to set the best score. There will also be a championship mode for each car class if the game reaches its first stretch goal.

According to the developer “The 90’s Arcade Racer   now contains one complete track and three playable cars each with three different liveries and is expected to be finished November 2013” if the game manages to reach its funding goal of £10,000. This is more than likely to happen as with 24 days remaining the game sits at £6,504.




Homesick is a first-person puzzle adventure game that has you exploring an abandoned building, and as you solve difficult but logical puzzles and discover clues, you open new areas.

From what it seems you are stuck in this place for some time now, so long that direct sunlight is blindingly bright, yet you feel at home. But when you sleep, you are plagued by nightmares, frantically running down hallways chased by darkness, an axe in hand, trying to escape.

By discover the world, you discover yourself, and the meaning of the nightmares, as you try to escape in both your nightmares and the waking world.

Homesick has a pledged of $8,000 goal and  has managed to raise $3,709 from 175 backers with 25 days to go.



What the success of Kickstarter showed us is that gamers may like spending $60 into an AAA title but they equally like donating money into projects that put creativity and fun first and foremost.

What inspires gamers to fund Kickstarter projects is the fact that they become part of community who are strongly connected to the making of a game, from the very beginning of conceiving the idea and the first steps in its development. The feedback, press, and love that can come with a Kickstarter project are more valuable than the money raised.

A Kickstarter campaign doesn’t always mean that a game will gain the recognition and money it needs in order to become a fully fledged game, usually less than half of the projects prove successful. What can be crucial in the future of Kickstarter gaming projects is if the developers can deliver the game they promised and they need to do so in a timely manner, making sure not to upset fans who supported the efforts. What also remains to be seen is whether the funded games can gain an audience beyond their backers. If they do so, then we guess this percentage will definitely increase.

Even so, the public support for crowd-funding creative game ideas coming from small developers today is nothing short of phenomenal and brings a breath of fresh air to the industry f as it lets ambitious, independent developers eschew publisher hurdles in favor of higher financial and creative control, while at the same also build a very strong and devoted community.

The Kickstarter-backed video games aren’t just changing the way video games are funded, they’re also changing they way they’re made. People all over the globe get to help create a game that would likely never be made any other way, and experience the whole thing from the inside out. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?