Super Hexagon, the brilliant iOS game from Terry Cavanagh, that let’s you control a little triangle and rotate it through a maze constantly converging toward the center of your iPhone or iPad screen, is coming to Mac and PC on November 27, the creator announced on his blog.
Super Hexagon, an expansion on Cavanagh’s original Pirate Kart entry Hexagon, looks extremely simple but the truth is that this a game that you will only be able to handle, at first, for five seconds. Maybe six and about 20-30 after a day of two of continuous practice.
While all these make Super Hexagon sound as the most frustrating game ever created, the instant restart, the soothing announcer, the crisp digital control and a score system that’s so brilliantly pure, manage to make you feel even more energized than you did before.
Super Hexagon will be priced at $2,99, just like the iOS version. The Steam version was re-written in C++ and supports a much higher resolution than the mobile release.