Dreampainters, the Italian team behind indie horror gem Anna, have just revealed their upcoming project, an RPG featuring many quests titled Mater Obscura: A Sine Requie Tale.
The game’s protagonists are Marcello Cappanera and Anna Maida and the game takes place in the Sanctum Imperium, a theocracy founded in Italy after the resurrection of the dead. Gamers will be able to fight or talk to resolve the situation, providing multiple ways to complete the game.
Mater Obscura: A Sine Requie Tale is based in one of the most famous scenarios in the Sine Requie pen & paper RPG game and therefore will be supervised and approved by both the authors Matteo Cortini and Leonardo Moretti of Sine Requie.
Mater Obscura: A Sine Requie Tale is expected to arrive at the end of 2013.