Indie developer Jagex, the team behind the leading free-to-play browser MMO, have unveiled that their previously unannounced innovative shooter, Ace of Spades, which has already gathered a loyal underground following during its prototype phase of 2.5 million installs, will launch on Steam in December 2012.

Ace of Spades is a retro-looking intelligent creative shooter where uo to 32 players can experience the ‘world-building’ freedom of a voxel-based sandbox, but with the addition of competitive, team-based multiplayer FPS gunplay.

Jagex CMO David Solari commented, “If you’re tired of the same old first person shooters, coming out year after year with a fresh lick of paint and a hefty price tag, then Ace of Spades will tick all the boxes for you, offering an all action multiplayer featuring up to 32 player FPS combat and a fully customisable environment which will continuously develop throughout your battle.”

Solari continued, “Despite keeping this game under the radar during development, it has still proved to be hugely viral with more than two and half a million players entering the prototype phase. Ace of Spades is set to take FPS to the next level, adding evolving tactics and strategy to twitch FPS gameplay. We have blended the artistic style of voxel-based sandbox games, such as Minecraft, with the class based combat of titles like Team Fortress, and added an extra dimension with real-time evolving battlefields to create a game which we firmly believe will appeal to FPS gamers looking for a bigger challenge.”

The full version Ace of Spades featuring an improved graphics engine and an armoury of new weapons will be available to download from Steam in December 2012 for a small one off fee. Further details about Ace of Spades can be found on the games website: