2K Games and Gearbox Software today revealed that Borderlands Legends, an all-new action packed Borderlands experience designed specifically for mobile devices, will be available for iOS on October, 31 2012.

Like the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2, Borderlands Legends blends two popular genres, action RPG and strategy, to create isometric gameplay that lets players control and level up, Mordecal, Lilith, Brick and Roland, and take out the oncoming waves of familiar foes — Skags, Bandits, Crimson Lance, Spider Ants, loosely based on the original Borderlands .

Legends will have “thousands of different items,” “36 unique powers and abilities,” and a “strategic cover system.” Where the game differs from the console games is the randomized missions.

Borderlands Legends will retail for $4.99 on the iPhone and $6.99 on the iPad.