Developed by Japanese videogame studio Natsume Atari, Godzilla the game places players in control of one of the most famous and destructive monsters in entertainment history. As Godzilla players will rample and lay waste to cities and environments with the goal of taking out each area’s Energy Generator while collecting as much G-Energy as possible.
The G-Energy can then be used to power-up Godzilla, increasing both his physical size as well as his offensive and defensive skills. The game will also allow players to utilize a dynamic Movie-Style Camera Angle System, delivering the most epic camera angles from which to destroy both a multitude of locations as well as classic enemies such as Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Mechagodzilla.
Godzilla will feature multiple game modes including; Mission Mode where players will wreak mayhem through more than 20 different stages of play; a Diorama Mode that allows players to design their own dioramas of Godzilla’s destruction; and King of Monsters Mode where Godzilla must fight his way through the franchises most famous enemies to reach the top of the monster hierarchy and claim the throne as the true King of Monsters.
The game will be available in Europe, Middle-East and Australasia for the PS3 and PS4 in summer 2015.